Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Clow Card dan Sakura Card (Cardcaptor Sakura)

Posted by Unknown at 1:33 PM
Kali ini aku mau mengulas tentang Clow Card dan Sakura Card. Bagi teman-teman yang mau tahu macam-macam Clow Card, bacalah postingan ini.

Kartu Clow (クロウカード Kurō Kādo) adalah benda sihir dan karakter fiktif dari manga CLAMP dan serial anime Cardcaptor Sakura. Dalam setengah seri kedua, kartu kartu tersebut berubah menjadi Kartu Sakura (Kartu Bintang dalam percakapan Bahasa Inggris) (さくらカード Sakura Kādo).
Kartu Clow dibuat di Hong Kong oleh penyihir Clow Reed. Kartu-kartu tersebut merupakan kombinasi dari sihir Barat dan Timur yang membentuk basis suatu jenis sihir baru yang tidak sama dengan apapun.
Sebagai tambahan, ia menugaskan dua mahluk gaib (yang ia ciptakan) untuk menjaga Kartu Clow yaitu Cerberus (mahluk berbentuk singa berwarna emas dan bersayap dalam sampul depan Buku Clow) dan Yue (mahluk berbentuk bulan sabit bersayap dalam sampul belakang Buku Clow). Dua penjaga tersebut menanti seseorang yang akan menjadi pemilik baru Kartu Clow, dengan Cerberus sebagai Penyegel dan Pemilih, menjadi penganjur calon baru dan Yue, sebagai Penentu, yang memutuskan keputusan akhir.

Kelompok Kartu Clow Berdasarkan Abjad

1. 矢 The Arrow

Arrow adalah, gadis merah muda bertubuh kecil, mengenakan pakaian kebiruan-ungu yang terdiri dari celana pendek, atasan dengan panjang, kembali ekor, sarung tangan panjang, dan sepatu bot panjang atasnya dengan bola di kaki, dengan potongan rambut puding baskom, merah, melingkar permata pada rambutnya, dan dua, kuncir panjang dipegang oleh bola. Panah membawa busur pendek.
Arrow adalah kartu serangan dengan temperamen agresif.
Kekuatan Panas: Ketika Panah diaktifkan, ia muncul dan kebakaran tembakan panah atas perintah tuannya.
Arrow tertangkap selama film cerita pembukaan busur, selama liburan musim semi (yang muncul dalam Episode 36), dan memainkan peran penting dalam finale film, menyelamatkan Sakura Kinomoto dari tenggelam di dalam gedung pencakar langit yang terletak di Hong Kong.
Transformasi Arrow tidak ditampilkan dalam seri, tetapi pada awal episode 61 Kero membuat referensi ke Sakura mentransformasikan 4 kartu hari itu sehingga ada kemungkinan bahwa panah adalah salah satu dari mereka.

2.  大 The Big

Big (大) adalah salah satu dari lima puluh dua kartu Clow. Hal ini di bawah The Light dan di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus, dan Sihir Barat.
Bentuk fisiknya bermanifestasi sebagai seorang wanita muda yang sangat tinggi, ramping dan lentur, berwarna biru. Big berpakaian seperti seorang putri abad pertengahan, terbungkus semua dalam nuansa serumpun biru, dengan lengan panjang yang mengaburkan tangan dan memakai hennin dibagi atas kepalanya. Selain itu, kartu tersebut juga memakai, mengepul cape biru panjang disampirkan di bahunya yang jatuh sepanjang punggung.
Big adalah kartu yang tampaknya tidak berbahaya dan jinak. Meskipun relatif lembut, ketika dibebaskan, Big sangat mencolok dengan apa yang diperbesarnyar, dan ini dapat menyebabkan masalah.
Magic Pertumbuhan: Big memiliki kekuatan untuk menyebabkan apa-apa, orang dan benda-benda sama, untuk tumbuh menjulang tinggi.
Big pertama muncul dan ditangkap oleh Sakura Kinomoto di Episode 31 dari anime. Itu tidak muncul dalam manga. Kartu ini turun ke duduk di atas air mancur kota satu malam dan dan merupakan penyebab di balik makhluk di sekitar langsung untuk spontan tumbuh; termasuk kucing liar, merah ikan koi berenang di kolam renang air mancur dan beberapa tanaman terletak di samping air mancur Kartu duduk di.
Mengikuti jejak kartu kembali ke air mancur, Sakura bergegas untuk menghadapinya. Big hanya merespon dengan menawarkan senyum manis dan hasil untuk berdiri. Sebagai kartu berdiri tegak setinggi-tingginya dan menjulang nya, Sakura sesaat diambil kembali oleh betapa tinggi Big, tapi dia cepat sembuh dan segel itu. Setelah Big disegel pergi hewan membesar dan tanaman kembali ke ukuran aslinya.
Big berperan kemudian bahwa malam yang sama ketika dipanggil lagi.

3.  泡 The Bubbles

4. 替 The Change

Tha Change (替) adalah salah satu dari lima puluh dua kartu Clow. Hal ini di bawah The Dark dan di bawah kuasa bulan, Yue, dan sihir Timur.
Tubuh utama Perubahan ini menjadi biru, samar-samar, makhluk seperti bunglon besar, mata oranye yang keluar lidahnya untuk beralih benda sekitar seperti bunglon yang sebenarnya tidak untuk menangkap mangsa. Dalam bentuk Kartu, berwarna putih, makhluk ini seperti chamleon, mata hijau kecil dan agak panjang, telinga mirip sayap.
swapping Magic: Perubahan mampu menukar pikiran dan tubuh dari dua orang. swapping ini hanya dapat terjadi sekali sehari, dan jika perubahan tidak dikembalikan setelah beberapa waktu akan menjadi permanen.
Syaoran Li dan Cerberus menjadi korban kemampuan Perubahan ini, yang mengakibatkan hari yang agak unik di sekolah dan di rumah, sebelum Sakura mampu membalikkan pikiran mereka beralih sehari kemudian (Episode 32). Perubahan menjadi Kartu Sakura di Episode 53 selama gelombang panik Sakura transformasi.
5. 雲 The Cloud

The Cloud (雲, ク ラ ウ ド, Kuraudo) menciptakan awan tebal di seluruh langit yang bisa bergerak namun menyenangkan. Seperti Rain, ia memiliki kepribadian yang lembut dan menyenangkan dan lebih nakal dibanding agresif. Itu ditangkap di Episode 39, Syaoran mengalahkan dengan menggunakan summon unsur api.
The Cloud adalah, sosok anak kecil kecil dengan telinga runcing, mengenakan poofy, pakaian doublet dengan leggins pola harlequin dan sepatu runcing. rambutnya poofy dan seperti awan, dengan poni lurus di kedua sisi wajah yang berakhir di puff awan. Memiliki permata biru berbentuk awan di dahinya, dan dalam bentuk kartu, memegang kepulan awan di tangannya. Hal ini mungkin perempuan.
Cloud ditransformasikan dalam Episode 69 ketika Sakura mengubah Kartu Clow yang tersisa ke Sakura Kartu. Di dubbing Inggris, Cloud ditransformasikan dalam Episode 53 (di tempat yang awalnya The Libra dalam versi Jepang).
The Cloud di bawah Watery.
The Cloud muncul dalam manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, menjadi bagian dari rombongan Suzuran di Shara.

6. 創 The Create

The Create (, ク リ エ イ ト, Kurieito) mampu memberikan eksistensi apa pun - mati atau hidup - ditulis dalam bentuk yang terlihat, sebuah buku cerita sebagian besar kosong. Tidak ada batas untuk apa yang dapat dibawa ke kehidupan, disediakan penulis terus create dibuka dan penuh dengan ide-ide. Hal ini juga dapat memberikan penulis inspirasi. bentuk kehidupan diciptakan dapat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar, baik murah hati dan dengki.
Meskipun kekuatannya hanya aktif pada malam hari, di Tomoyo Video Buku Harian (2), terlihat bahwa Create digunakan pada siang hari, sehingga kemungkinan untuk itu untuk aktif dalam siang karena itu juga di bawah cahaya.
Kartu kebalikannya adalah kartu Erase.
Buat sejajar di bawah Light.

manifestasi fisik Create mengambil bentuk sebuah buku yang sempit dengan cover belakang coklat dan depan oranye gelap. Sebuah simbol hijau dan coklat menonjol berbentuk bintang dengan delapan poin mengisi penutup sementara satu terasa-kecil berpusat di bagian belakang. Komposisi buat adalah mirip dengan buku biasa Jepang di bahwa itu dibaca dan ditulis dari kanan-ke-kiri dan atas-ke-bawah.
Di dalam buku ini adalah cerita yang ditulis lebih dari selusin halaman; sisanya kosong. Naoko Yanagisawa mencatat cerita menjadi seperti pesulap Pada halaman di mana akhir kisah adalah kata-kata tidak menyenangkan. 'Kelanjutan'.

7. 闇 The Dark

The Dark (闇) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Di samping Light, itu adalah salah satu terkemuka Kartu Clow, dan berada di bawah kuasa Bulan, Yue dan Sihir Timur.
Dark berpakaian regally dengan rambut hitam lurus panjang. Dia memakai mahkota berduri dan memiliki lima permata tersebar di dadanya.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, Dark menerima bintang di mahkotanya, lengan, dan di tempat permata pusat di dadanya. Lebih dari kulitnya juga tertutup dan dia telah dibubuhi rims pada lengan dan outerskirt.
Dark tenang dan lembut, mirip dengan Light. Dia mungkin tampak agak penasaran saat ia diperlukan untuk memastikan tempat Sakura sebagai calon. Gelap sangat dekat dengan adiknya, Light, hampir segala sesuatu yang dilakukan melibatkan mereka, yang mereka lakukan bersama-sama, mereka disegel bersama dan berubah bersama-sama.
Kegelapan Sihir (Umbrakinesis): magic utama The Dark adalah untuk dapat warp ruang, menciptakan kegelapan yang dapat mengisolasi dan membatalkan makhluk non-magis jika diberikan cukup waktu. Dia juga mampu menelorkan malam.
Sealing khusus dan Aktivasi Properti: The Dark khusus dalam bahwa hal itu tidak dapat diserang secara fisik. Dia juga selalu bersama-sama dengan cahaya, sehingga mereka harus selalu dimeteraikan bersama, digunakan bersama-sama dan berubah bersama-sama.
8. 駆 The Dash
Dash (駆, ダ ッ シ ュ, Dasshu) mampu berjalan pada kecepatan gaib untuk jarak pendek. Hal ini dapat memberikan kemampuan ini kepada orang lain juga.
Dash adalah, biru, makhluk rubah-seperti kecil dengan panjang, telinga kelinci-suka dan panjang, ekor ramping. Di dahinya adalah, tanda berbentuk berlian kecil.
Dash pemalu dan rentan untuk memberikan penerbangan bila diberikan konfrontasi. Setelah percaya pada seseorang akan menjadi sangat setia.
9. 夢 The Dream

The Dream (夢) adalah salah satu dari lima puluh dua kartu Clow. Hal ini di bawah The Dark, kekuatan Bulan, Yue, dan Timur Sihir
Salah satu bentuk yang terlihat Dream adalah kupu-kupu biru misterius, yang mencerminkan langit.
Bentuk lain adalah humanoid wanita dengan panjang, rambut lurus, mengenakan kaplet mengalir, potong poin singkat di depan, dengan tinggi, lebar, hiasan kepala yang rumit yang mengaburkan matanya.

Mimpi Magic: Mimpi mampu membuat orang bermimpi keinginan terbesar mereka atau meramal melalui mimpi. Hal ini juga memberikan nubuatan tuannya, menunjukkan mereka masa yang akan datang dalam tidur mereka.

10. 地 The Earthy

The Earthy (地) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Ini adalah salah satu dari empat kartu unsur, dan karena itu adalah salah satu yang paling kuat. Bersahaja berada di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus dan di bawah Western Sihir.
Earthy dikenakan penampilan seorang, wanita megah elegan dalam jubah. Dia memiliki kerah dihiasi dengan kristal, serta kristal menghiasi dadanya, dahi, dan telinga. Rambutnya melengkung ke atas dan dibagi dengan dua kristal yang menggantung dari ujung-ujung.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, Earthy menerima sebuah bintang di dadanya dengan enam permata menghiasi tulang selangka.

kepribadian Earthy tidak terkenal. Sementara dia melakukan tindakan keras, menyebabkan gempa bumi dan tremor sebelum penangkapan, dia tersirat memiliki disposisi lembut sebagai lawan nya rekan lebih ganas, Firey,
Earth Sihir (Terrakinesis): The Earthy mampu penghancuran properti cukup dengan menciptakan gempa bumi dan berbagai gangguan geologi lainnya. Serta mengendalikan bebas dan memanipulasi unsur bumi dan berbagai aspek; seperti tanah, batu, batu, dan batu bata. Dengan demikian, ia mampu menciptakan gempa bumi besar-besaran yang kuat, longsoran, dan celah.

11. 消 The Erase

Erase (消) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Hal ini di bawah The Dark dan di bawah kuasa Bulan, Yue, dan Timur Sihir.
Erase muncul dalam desain harlequinesque. Rambutnya menunjuk dan pendek dengan berlian di bawah mata kirinya. Dia memakai celana ketat kotak-kotak dengan kerah berkerut bawah yang merupakan permata melingkar, dia juga memiliki topi sama bermotif yang berakhir di dua titik. Bola menjuntai dari topinya, lengan dan kain dia membawa bersamanya.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, sebuah bintang muncul di atas tepi topinya. Bintang juga mengganti permata di dadanya dan Dangles di topinya, lengan dan kain.

kepribadian Erase ini agak tidak jelas. Namun, dia menunjukkan aktivitas agak berbahaya dalam menghapus teman Sakura dan fakultas selama uji keberanian.
Penghapusan Magic: Erase memiliki kekuatan untuk menghapus apa-apa, bahkan orang-orang, dari keberadaan. Apa pun yang menghilang dengan kekuatannya akan hilang secara permanen jika terhapus terlalu lama, jika daya nya terputus maka apa pun telah menghilang akan kembali. Erase juga memiliki kekuatan untuk mengambil kenangan rakyat.

12. 闘 The Fight

The Fight (闘) adalah salah satu dari lima puluh dua kartu Clow. Hal ini di bawah The Fiery dan di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus, dan Sihir Barat.
Di dalam tubuh fisik, Fight menyerupai seorang gadis remaja dengan rambut dipotong sebahu pucat, piercing, mata biru langit dan dua, odangos panjang. Dia memakai leotard berwarna biru dengan hiasan putih dan segitiga merah di dadanya, panjang, sirip ekor, panjang, sarung tangan jari-kurang dengan tinggi, manset lebar sejati di puncak, dan penjaga putih di bagian belakang tangan, dan sepasang biru dan putih, paha-panjang sepatu. Berdasarkan penampilan ini, itu bisa dianggap bahwa Fight seharusnya Cina daripada Jepang - sebuah fakta yang akan cocok dengan warisan China penciptanya Clow Reed.
Fight adalah kartu sangat agresif, kejam dan sangat kompetitif. Itu selalu mencari lawan baru untuk menguji keterampilan, tetapi hanya akan terlibat dengan mereka jika dianggap mereka kuat. Pertarungan akan berpaling dari perkelahian jika indera lawan yang lebih kuat di tempat lain (seperti yang terjadi dengan Meiling Li menghadap ke bawah Sakura Kinomoto).
Dalam pertempuran, itu adalah sengit, tak henti-hentinya dan sangat tak kenal lelah dan tidak akan goyah atau berhenti sampai lawan (atau sendiri) dikalahkan. Namun, juga memiliki kebiasaan pergi terlalu jauh, karena terus pukulan Meilin bijaksana-dipukuli lain dan bertahan sampai Sakura mengintervensi. Hal ini juga menunjukkan tidak ada keraguan apapun tentang menyerang lawan saat mereka kembali dihidupkan atau mereka terganggu.

Skill Enhancement Magic: Fight memberikan keterampilan tuannya dalam seni bela diri.
13. 火 The Firey

The Firey (火) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow card di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari manga. Ini adalah salah satu dari empat kartu unsur, dan karena itu adalah salah satu yang paling kuat. Firey berada di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus dan sihir Barat.
The Firey menyerupai malaikat remaja dengan berapi rambut. Dia memiliki merah, lingkaran berhiaskan berlian dengan telinga elf-seperti, serta cerah, sayap oranye.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, permata Firey pada lingkaran nya berubah menjadi bara menyala dengan ban lengan yang sesuai, dan bintang anting-anting.
Ini memiliki sifat agresif dan agak sombong. Ini tampak menikmati bermain-main dengan Sakura sebelum capture-nya.
Hal ini tidak lebih kuat daripada kartu unsur lainnya, tetapi memperingatkan untuk digunakan dengan hati-hati. Cerberus memperingatkan Sakura bahwa jika dia menggunakannya tanpa perawatan, itu akan melakukan seperti yang diminta, tetapi bisa membahayakan pengguna.
Selain itu, karena sisi penipu dari Firey, ia memiliki kecenderungan untuk menjadi bumerang, menakut-nakuti, dan / atau bahkan merugikan orang lain saat masih secara teknis melakukan sebagai perintah tuannya.

14. 浮 The Float

The Float (浮) seperti namanya, suka membuat sesuatu mengambang. Float adalah roh nakal, tetapi juga cukup lembut dan mudah untuk Sakura tangkap.
Dalam anime, Cerberus menemukan Float ketika mulai melayangkan benda di kamar seorang gadis kecil yang telah membawanya, Akane. Sayangnya, angin kencang menyebabkan Float terpesona melayang tinggi ke udara.Akibatnya, hal itu disebabkan Akane hampir jatuh. Cerberus telah menghubungi Sakura sebelumnya melalui mesin fax, dan dia tiba tepat pada waktunya untuk menangkap Float (Episode 15). Akane jatuh, tapi Sakura menggunakan Wood untuk melindunginya.Float juga digunakan dua episode kemudian, untuk menangkap Card Erase dari dalam goa. Float digunakan lagi di episode 36 untuk membantu Sakura dan Syaoran melayang di atas salju yang dipanggil oleh The Snow Card.Bentuk Float terlihat mengambang menyerupai balon besar, bergaris vertikal, balon merah muda dengan sayap putih. Dalam bentuk Kartu, berwarna putih, terhubung ke keranjang kecil yang khas, merah-jewelled 'sayap Clow', mewakili balon udara panas.Float berubah selama Episode 57, ketika Sakura jatuh ke dalam kegelapan. Dia menggunakannya untuk naik dan kembali ke lantai lift. Float di bawah Windy.

15. 花 The Flower

Flower (花) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Hal ini di bawah The Earthy dan di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus, dan Sihir Barat.
Flower tampil lucu, wanita muda berbulu, rok hoop dengan celana baggy bawahnya. Rambutnya ikal kuncir dual. Simbol bunga muncul di dahi dan dadanya dan bunga menjuntai dari kedua telinganya. Dia juga memakai korsase pada kedua pergelangan tangan dan pergelangan kakinya.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, bintang muncul di tengah simbol bunga di dadanya dan jari-jari kaki sandal nya.

Flower ini terbukti cukup celebrator, memiliki antusiasme yang besar untuk pesta apapun, karena ia membuat tampil selama hari lapangan di Tomoeda Elementary. Dia juga tampaknya cukup ditzy, karena dia begitu sibuk bermain-main, dia tidak pernah melihat kerusakan yang disebabkannya, dan ketika Sakura muncul untuk menyegel, dia tidak menunjukkan permusuhan dan terus melenggang dengan dia.

16. 翔 The Fly

The Fly (翔) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Hal ini di bawah The Windy dan di bawah kuasa Bulan, Yue, dan Sihir Timur.
Fly tampil raksasa, burung pucat dengan leher panjang dan kaki, menyerupai derek. Dalam manga, Fly muncul sebagai raksasa karena terluka. Ketika terhibur oleh Sakura, ia menyusut lebih kecil.
Sebagai Kartu Sakura di manga, bintang muncul di dahi dan dada, dan mata yang agak lebih indah.

Dalam Anime, The Fly muncul agak kacau, seperti beberapa kartu lainnya. Tapi di manga, Fly seperti digambarkan memiliki temperamen yang tenang, seperti Windy, hanya bertindak destruktif karena cedera nya.
Sayap: Fly terutama memberikan kemampuan terbang. Awalnya digunakan sayap muncul di tongkat Sakura. Ketika itu berubah menjadi Sakura Card, sesuai dengan kebutuhan Sakura, sayap sekarang muncul dari punggungnya

17. 凍 The Freeze

Freeze (凍) mampu membekukan hampir semua hal, memancarkan es sebagai senjata, dan menurunkan suhu daerah lokal ke titik beku (dan mungkin di luar itu). Dia sangat licik ketika menggunakan kemampuannya dalam pertempuran, seperti menyerang dengan gletser beku atau menyerang target dari belakang dengan pilar es.
Freeze sejajar di bawah kartu Watery.

Kedua kartu terlihat menyerupai koi raksasa (ikan mas hias Jepang) dengan permata besar di atas kepalanya. Dalam bentuk Kartu, itu hanya tampak seperti koi aneh. Namun, dalam bentuk roh terlihat, itu lebih mengancam dalam penampilan.

18. 灯 The Glow

Glow (灯) adalah salah satu dari Kartu lima puluh dua Clow di anime dan juga merupakan bagian dari kartu sembilan belas asli dari seri manga. Hal ini di bawah The Light dan di bawah kekuasaan Sun, Cerberus, dan Magic Barat.
Dalam bentuk yang terlihat Glow menyerupai peri kecil yang memiliki ekor bercahaya seperti kunang-kunang.

19. 希望 The Hope
Hope (希望) adalah hasil dari gabungan antara Nothing dan Kartu Nameless. Seperti Nameless Card, ia hanya ada sebagai Sakura / Star Card dan tidak pernah ada sebagai Kartu Clow. Pada akhir film kedua, ketika Hope yang disegel, semua kerusakan destruktif yang dilakukan oleh Nothing langsung dibatalkan.
Kartu ini menunjukkan penampilan gadis asli dari kartu Nothing tapi sekarang dengan ekspresi kebahagiaan di wajahnya bukan kesedihan dari Nothing .
Bola di dahinya telah mengubah dan sekarang menjadi bintang lima titik. Dia merangkul hati bersayap yang digambarkan pada Kartu Nameless

20. 幻 The Illusion

The Illusion (幻) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Dark and under the power of the Moon, Yue, and Eastern Magic.
Unlike the most of the other Clow Cards, Illusion has no fixed shape, but it can change its form based on whatever the watcher expects to see, but while transitioning between forms or unable to hold one, it resembles a shifting, kaleidoscope-like pattern. This could perhaps be its default form. The colored part on the card's image near the center has the form of a kind of gem.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, a star appears in its central points.
Illusion's personality is similar to other Clow Cards. Illusion appears multiple times to multiple people in varying forms, it then showed its hostility towards Sakura, appearing as Sakura's mother and even attempted to drown her.
Illusion Magic: Illusion appears in many diverse forms, either as dictated by its master or on its own. It will often appear to people as what they fear the most or what they love the most.

21. 跳 The Jump

The Jump (跳) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Windy and under the power of the Moon, Yue, and Eastern Magic.
When it first appears before being sealed, Jump appears as a squishy, pink animal with thin, angry eyes with a long tail, feet, and stubby hands.
When sealed, The Jump's appearance turns gentler, it appears leaner with more-rounded eyes, as well as a pair of transparent wings.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, a star appears on the back of its head and at the tip of its tail, and it receives star earrings.Jump is incredibly feisty and loves to pick fights, but it is also described as being incredibly stupid.
Jump Magic: Jump's magic can grant the master the ability to leap to great heights. When used, wings form around the feet/ankles of the master.

22. 秤 The Libra

The Libra (秤) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
The Libra Card shows a pan-scale, one side holding a sun and the other holding a moon. Libra's form is reminiscent of the astrological sign of Libra. The idea of the scale is also used as a symbol of justice and truth.
Truth Magic: Although not actually displayed, Libra is able to tell when a person is lying or not.
Libra's capture is never shown directly in the series, but Episode 36 shows that Sakura had captured it over spring break (the time period following Episode 35).

23. 光 The Light

The Light (光) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. Alongside The Dark, it is one of the foremost of the Clow Cards, and falls under the power of the Sun, Cerberus and Western Magic.
Light is elegant and richly dressed with lengthy, curled, pale hair. She wears a spiked crown with a stylish dress and a sun printed on her chest.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, stars adorn her crown, sleeves and within the sun on her chest. Several enhancements are made to her dress, the rim of her sleeves become spiked, more skin is covered by fabric, and a spiked outer-skirt.
Light is serene and gentle. Light is very supportive of the Sakura as the candidate for the cards' master. Light is very close with her sister, Dark, nearly everything that is done involving them, they do together, they were sealed together and transformed together.
Light Magic (Photokinesis): The Light's primary magic is to be able to create and control light. She can also bring forth the sunrise.
Special Sealing and Activation Properties: The Light is special in that she cannot be physically attacked. She is also always together with Dark, so they must always be sealed together, used together and transformed together.

24. 小 The Little

The Little (小) is a Clow Card that can shrink any creature or object, simply by touching them. This also shrinks the victim's ability to use magic. Coming into contact with Little again will restore an afflicted target to its original size. Though small in size, Little is very nimble and fast with its prodigious jumping skill.
Little is aligned under the Light, as is her sister card the Big card.
The Little's visible form is tiny: the first time Sakura Kinomoto saw it all she could initially perceive was a tiny pinprick of bouncing yellow pulsating light. Even after she is shrunk, Sakura is still taller then Little's physical body. Its visible form actually resembles a tiny, yellowish jester-like little girl. its sleeves cover its hands.
Little shares many similar physical traits with its sister card: The Big, except the most notable differences: color and size.
Little is a very mischievous card with something of a sadistic streak. After it shrunk Sakura to a height of a few inches, Little appeared to greatly enjoy taunting Sakura and giggling at the misfortunes she endures, regularly riling her up and provoking her.

25. 錠 The Lock

The Lock (錠) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Lock's visible form is a small green and yellow padlock with a front mounted drum. It has wings on the front, straddling the chamber of the lock.
Lock Magic: The Lock is able to lock almost anything (doors, padlocks, etc.), also preventing their unlocking by conventional means. Lock can seal off entire rooms by magically shielding any and all exits such that they cannot be penetrated or destroyed.

26. 輪 The Loop

The Loop (輪) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic
Loop is a simple, small band or loop, red on one side and yellow on the other. It is often pictured with one twist so that it resembles an infinity symbol (∞) or a Möbius strip.

27. 迷 The Maze

The Maze (迷) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under the Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Maze is normally invisible from the outside, but from the inside, it resembles a expansive, multi-dimensional, green maze with upside-down staircases and impossible perspectives, similar to those drawn by M. C. Escher in his sketch called "Relativity."
As a Sakura Card in the manga, a star-shape space is imbued into its structure.
Maze traps people and forces them into a game of finding their way out. Maze appears to dislike cheaters, as it was seen distorting itself to prevent Sakura from flying out or using Sword to cut through its walls. However, a person with enough Magic can break through Maze successfully, as demonstrated by Kaho Mizuki.
Maze Magic: Maze can distort the space around it and entrap people in a pocket dimension of its own design and making.

28. 鏡 The Mirror

The Mirror (鏡) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Mirror appears as a young girl with a circular mirror in hand, her hair is parted with two tails tied in front. A smaller mirror rests on her forehead, but in the anime, this is replaced by a diamond symbol. The Mirror wears a lengthy, Chinese style dress which usually obscures her feet, underneath she wears a pair of baggy pants and thin slippers. The Mirror appears to possess "wings" which are shards of glass protruding from her back.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, a design is added to her collar, her tails are clasped by stars and her mirror is decorated with a winged star. In the Anime, her card wears green ribbons that she received from Toya.
A first, Mirror appears to be a mischievous, and even cruel card, assuming Sakura's form and causing trouble all over town and even, indirectly, mortally wounding Toya. At Sakura's anger, Mirror showed a remorseful side, expressing her guilt by hinting at her identity and giving Toya a heartfelt apology.
Imitation Magic: Mirror can perfectly imitate the appearance of whomever she or her master desires. Although she can take the form of a perfect clone, people with power have been known to be able to see through it.
Reflecting: Sometimes, Mirror's mirror can be summoned alone to be used by her master to reflect a ranged attack back at the opponent, as demonstrated on The Shot.

29. 霧 The Mist

The Mist (霧) is a corrosive entity, able to eat through almost any material, including metal bars and stone. It can also create a blanket of fog for cover.
The Mist is aligned under the The Watery card.
Mist's visible form is a thick bank of green fog, and its Card form, never seen as a visible spirit, is a young woman with elf-like ears, and long, straight hair sprinkled with ball shapes, like drops of dew left from a mist. Her hands are crossed in front of her heart.

30. 移 The Move

The Move (移) is a mischievous spirit, capable of inhabiting objects and magically moving them by making them disappear from one place and appear in another, similar to teleportation. Move is not a very powerful card, as it can only move small objects (i.e. books or pencils) and only for a short distance. Move cannot move living creatures.
The Move is under Windy.
The Move's true form has been seen only on its Card form. It seems to be a small triangular basket or pendulum with a red gem at its front, and two long 'Clow Wings'.
Move resembles a pair of 'Clow Wings', which appear on whatever object it inhabits just before it moves it.

31. (nameless card)
The Nameless Card is used to represent Sakura's and Syaoran's intense romantic love and infatuation for each other. In Cardcaptor Sakura-The Movie 2: The Sealed Card, it combines with The Nothing and turns it into The Hope. This card has an angel winged-heart and a crown on it, and it exists only as a Sakura Card and never existed as a Clow Card, because the card was made from Sakura's tears.
In the American dub, this mystical Card was named the Hope, which caused naming problems for the Nothing and Nameless card fusion at the end of the second movie. However, it could be that the Hope Card was not fully awakened yet until the fusion of it and the Nothing was revealed.
Since this card was created specifically from Sakura's own emotions over her longing for Syaoran/Li to return again, there has been some speculation that the Nameless Card represents the "Love Card" which later being fused into the Hope Card from the Nothing Card. However, this is not official, and seems to be more of fan-based thoughts.
During the second movie, Eriol told Sakura that upon the sealing of The Nothing card, it will get rid of the feelings of the person with the most magic near it. Upon its sealing, Syaoran is encased within one of Nothing's spheres (Sakura's magic was used more frequently than his own, leaving him with more), we see The Nameless Card activate. It should be assumed that since The Nameless Card was made from Sakura's love for Syaoran, it was what cancelled out The Nothing's effect of stealing someone's feelings. Though, if it was someone other than Syaoran, we cannot know if it would have activated (since it was a card of Sakura's undying and intense, romantic love for Syaoran).

32. 無 The Nothing
The Nothing (無), is a card introduced in Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card.
In order to balance the immense positive magic of the Clow Cards, Clow Reed created the Nothing Card, containing the negative magic equivalent in magnitude to the other fifty-two cards. True to the card's name, anything or anyone that comes into contact with it will cease to exist/return to nothingness.
The Nothing appears in the second movie and is terribly lonely in the beginning, unable to interact with others without destroying them. The only beings that can interact with her safely are the other Clow Cards. As a result, The Nothing tries to steal the Clow Cards (now Sakura Cards) so that she would not be alone again. Nothing continues to steal the Sakura Cards and destroys/unmake everyone and everything that Sakura holds dear; The Nothing likely views Sakura as a villain of sorts who stole her "friends" (the Clow Cards) and intends for Sakura to suffer the same pain of loss that she has felt for a long time.
In the end, the Sakura Cards return to Sakura, and Nothing falls into hysterical despair, believing that her friends have abandoned her. However, Sakura convinces Nothing that she can be her friend, too, together with all the Cards. She returns Nothing to a Clow Card form (we never see her card form except for in the beginning of the film) and then transforms it into a Sakura Card by merging it with the Nameless card to form The Hope. All the damage and deaths caused by Nothing are then miraculously undone by the rising sun.
The Nothing is composed of a spherical black void of emptiness where nothing exists. In the center of this black void, one can make out a young girl with long, silvery hair with wings atop her head, wearing a frilled dress. There is a constant expression of sorrow on the girl's face. When captured and changed into a Sakura Card, she is clasping the winged heart that was represented by the Nameless card and has, for the first time, a smile upon her face.
Fitting for her appearance, Nothing has many child-like and arrogant characteristics, as well as an awareness of her immense, magical powers. When battling Sakura and her team, she didn't bat an eye at Yue or Kero's attacks, due to being immune to their magic. In addition, she underestimates her opponents. When Syaoran was standing right in front of her, she only stared at him, thinking his magic wouldn't affect her. She was later shocked when his lightning was actually able to touch her. She may have chosen the amusement park to hide in to be like the fun for the "little girl" the card is.
Nothing's presence and powers are vastly encompassing. She was able to detect Eriol's attempt to call and warn Sakura about the card, erasing the phone lines as a result. Despite her primary ability to make things vanish/unmake whatever exists/return to nothingness, she has other powers as well. She is able to control inanimate objects, making them mobile for a period of time (as seen when she used horses from the carousel to attack Sakura and company), teleport and levitate.

33. 力 The Power

The Power (力) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Firey and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Power's visible form is a tiny, pink, little girl in a sleeveless, pink dress with baggy pants. She has pink hair tied in two high buns in the back with long ribbons ending in ball ornaments, red eyes, two large, studded bracelets on her wrists, a red choker on her neck, a yellow gem on her dress, three pink gems on her forehead and pink, ball earrings.
When Power is freed from the Clow Book, it becomes invisible and it likes to show off by destroying things, and it turns visible only if a person challenges it with strength and tells it what the challenge is.
If the challenger wins, Power will surrender itself. Power is very proud and loves physical challenges, as it also likes to show off.
Strength Magic: Power is able to grant its user immense physical power.

34. 雨 The Rain

The Rain (雨) is a mischievous entity that is able to control rain and create suprising downpours on anybody to prank them.
Rain is The Cloud's twin, and in the anime its water gives the Wood enough power to cause chaos in Sakura's house (Episode 4). Sakura sealed Rain with help from the Watery, which was also able to feed off Rain's power to increase its own. Rain, as a free spirit, is very chaotic and tried to drown Sakura with a waterfall-like attack to play with Sakura, like Cerberus said.
It is under Watery.
Rain's physical form resembles a young and cute little girl with a jesters hat that falls into two long points, tipped in teardrop shapes like rain drops. She has long straight bangs parted on either side of her face, like the Cloud, and hers end in rain drops. Her collar is cut in many points, like the Twin, and tipped in droplet shapes. Her oufit consists of poofy pants in a harlequin pattern, a poofy sleeved top, and pointed boots, the cuffs of which are also tipped in rainrops. In Card form, like the Cloud holds a cloud puff, the Rain holds a drop of rain in her hands. She rides a cloud and has a blue teardrop shaped jewel on its forehead. She is very similar in appearance to The Cloud , and it has been assumed that the two are sisters.
Rain is transformed in Episode 69 when Sakura transforms the last remaining Clow Cards.

35. 戻 The Return

The Return (戻) allows the user to travel back into the distant past and witness events that have already occurred as a ghostly observer.
Return protects its user from detection (both magical and mundane), but exceptionally powerful or knowledgeable magicians, such as Kaho Mizuki and Clow Reed himself can pierce Return's protections. Return, like The Time card, requires a considerable amount of magical power to use; in the series, the spiritual energies of the cherry tree at Tsukimine Shrine are needed to power the spell.
One can disrupt Return by using Time, though that is difficult, given the amount of effort needed to use Time. This method is used by Syaoran when he brings Sakura back from the past, though almost all of his magical energy is taken from him.
Return's visible form resembles a swift-moving, tangible black mist. Its Sakura Card image displays a young female holding a blue hourglass. However, for some reason, in its Clow Card form, it is shown holding a blue clock with wings (in reverse form running counterclockwise in respect of its power to "rewind" the time around its user for them to see past events) instead.
The noticeable resemblance between the spirit of the Return card and the spirit of the Time card may be indicative of a relation between them, just like with the spirits of the Cloud, Rain, & Storm cards.
Time Travel: Unlike the Time card, it has the rare ability to enable the user to travel back into the past to a certain timeline of past events.
It is captured in Episode 27 by Li Shaoran and becomes his. However, he never even used its power, as it drained too much of both his magical and physical strength.

36. 砂 The Sand

The Sand (砂) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
One of Sand's visible forms is a flow of sand that moves vaguely like a serpent. Its card form, never seen as a visible spirit, depicts a woman with elbow-length hair that seems to be in braids, dressed in Arabic clothes (harem pants, crop top, sleeves and shoes) and is seemingly made of sand. Covering its ears are what appear to be circular disks, and an oval, red gem featured prominently on its forehead.
Sand Magic (Psammokinesis): Sand has the ability to control and manipulate sand and can even transform other types of dirt into sand for her to control.

37. 影 The Shadow

The Shadow (影) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Light and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Shadow is a somber figure, bearing a mysterious appearance in a black cloak and hood.
In the manga, in its Sakura card form, Shadow has a star just at the top of his cloak on his chest.
Shadow is chaotic and mischievous like many of the other cards, causing trouble for others with its magic.
Shadow Magic (Umbrakinesis): Shadow can control the shadows of people and objects at its master's command. One of its characteristics is that it can touch others but cannot be touched itself unless done so by one with strong magic.
Shadow Tracing: Shadow is able to hunt down others by finding its way to them by means of their shadow.
38. 盾 The Shield

The Shield (盾) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Earthy and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
When guarding an object, Shield appears as a blue-white-green sphere or dome. In it's real form, it resembles a single 'Clow Wing' shield with a red jewel on both sides. In its card form, The Shield is restrained by several chains.
As a Sakura card in the manga, Shield changes into an entirely winged shape with a star in the center of its jewel.
Shield has a relatively good personality, existing to fulfill its purpose of protecting precious objects and things people hold close.
Shield Magic: Shield is able to construct a powerful barrier to protect whomever its master wishes, it can only be penetrated by powerful magic.

39. 撃 The Shot

The Shot (撃) is one of the most dangerous cards. Unless sealed, it can be activated simply by saying "shoot" or "aim" (even if the person calling it has no magical powers), at which point it will target the person to which the command refers (e.g. "aim at Syaoran" or "shoot Syaoran" would cause the card to attack him), attacking him or her relentlessly until either the target is destroyed or the card is forced to return to its card form.
Shot can be neutralized by Shield, but only for a short time as Shot has more endurance than Shield. The main reason why the Shot cannot be captured or sealed easily is because it is extremely fast with high accuracy.
The Shot is under Firey.
Once activated, Shot transforms into a body of light that fires out beams of energy, like lasers, that become increasingly more accurate with each attack. When attacking, Shot appears as a fast moving bolt of energy.
Its visible form is a young, elfish spirit with red and yellow hair and large, pink eyes.
Shot's personality appears to be violent and relentless, especially when trying to finish off her target.
Shot Magic: Shot can be activated simply by saying "shoot" or "aim" (even if the person calling it has no magical powers), at which point it will target the person to which the command refers (e.g. "aim at Syaoran" or "shoot Syaoran" would cause the card to attack him), attacking him or her relentlessly until either the target is destroyed or the card is forced to return to its card form. 

40. 静 The Silent

The Silent (静) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Dark and under the power of the Moon, Cerberus, and Eastern Magic.
Silent detests noise and prefers to keep her vicinity quiet, seeing as she will use her magic to expel any noise or one whose noise alerts her.
Mute Magic: Silent has the ability to cut off the sound of any passerby's voice
Teleportation: Silent can magically transport the source of any noise away from herself, albeit only over short distances.

41. 眠 The Sleep

The Sleep (眠) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Dark and under the power of the Moon, Yue, and Eastern Magic.
Sleep resembles a young, periwinkle, sprite with a six-point star on its forehead and one, overlarge, feathered ear on the left side of her head and short hair. Sleep sometimes carries a small wand, which usually produces the magical dust that induces sleep.
Sleep Magic: Sleep has the ability to entrance anyone into a deep slumber, using the dust from her wand.

42. 雪 The Snow

The Snow (雪) is able to cause a considerable amount of snow to fall, even during weather that does not produce snow. Snow is quite aggressive, usually attacking in the form of a blizzard. However, Snow is far weaker than Firey, which Sakura summoned in Episode 36 in order to defeat it.
The Snow is aligned under the Watery card.
Snow's visible form heavily resembles a traditional Japanese 雪女 'Yuki Onna', or 'Snow Woman', a Japanese ghost that appears in a snowstorm, wears a white kimono and has white skin.
Snow wears a blue-white kimono with a wide collar and a blue obi tied in a wide bow and a necklace that appears to be made from ice crystals. She has a blue ice crystal on her forehead in Clow Card form, orange as a Sakura Card. Her visible spirit has an upward facing yellow crescent moon on her forehead. Snow displays a notable amount of wit compared to the other Clow Cards.

43. 歌 The Song

he Song (歌), like The Voice, loves singing. It is attracted to any beautiful songs that it hears, often copying them (to memory). However, unlike Voice, Song cannot steal people's voices, it merely copies them. Song is very shy and is easily scared away by loud sounds or sudden movements, but it can be coaxed into its visible form if it feels safe. The Song will also try its best to make the song perfect just like the singer of the song.
The Song is under Windy.
Song's visible form resembles a young girl wearing a long dress, all in lavender-white, and bluish-lavender headgear. The headgear resembles a treble clef, and the dress resembles the front of a string instrument. Her dress also has the 'F holes', which are long to look like the cello. Her hair is purple, and split into two sides with end in a curl. In card form, Song has musical notes in the background.
Song, as a Sakura Card, has no musical notes in the background, no treble clef on her headgear, and differently drawn locks at the end of her hair.
44. 嵐 The Storm

The Storm (嵐) is closely related to Cloud, Rain, Thunder, Watery, and Windy. The Storm is a powerful and aggressive card that is capable of summoning huge rainstorms and tornadoes that can be used both to attack an opponent and to bind them. However, despite its power, Storm is vulnerable to attacks directed towards its center (the eye of the storm) and is easily defeated by Syaoran's Raitei Shourai.
The Storm is aligned under the Windy.
Storm appears as a young elf with curly, shoulder-length hair and also appears to be wearing some form of armor over its pants and around its shoulders, ornamented in spikes. It wears long, teardrop-shaped earrings. Storm bears some similarity to The Cloud and The Rain.

45. 甘 The Sweet

he Sweet (甘) is able to turn objects into edible sweets or make other foods taste sweet. It dislikes being sprinkled with salt. Sealing the card causes everything changed by Sweet to revert to its original form.
The Sweet is aligned under Light.
Sweet's visible form is a small fairy with afro-like hair resembling cotton candy and a yellow dress with a similarly shaped skirt resembling cream puffs. She also holds a wand. Sweet's wand is supposed to sprinkle sugar converting any object into candy, cakes, and all kinds of sweets which Sakura finds impressive.

46. 剣 The Sword

The Sword (剣) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Firey and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
The Sword is a European Rapier with a winged hilt and guard on its handle, there is a gem in between its wings. As a card, it is bound by chains, most likely due to its violent nature.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, the guard is gone, the wings grow larger and invert, and there is a star within its gem. As a card, the blade now faces upwards.
The Sword is shown to be very violent. It was first seen possessing Rika and even attempting to kill Sakura at first encounter.
Cutting Magic: The Sword is powerful, able to slice down brick walls and other strong materials such as metal. It can also fight the other cards, it was able to cut through Shield and even able to pin Shadow to the ground. Sword's strength reflects that of its user.
Possession: Sword is shown to be able to possess others when unsealed. It first appeared as a small pin and when worn, will possess its wearer and use them as a vessel to attack

47. 抜 The Through

The Through (抜) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Firey and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Through's card form shows a young woman dressed in a flowing gown of the Oriental style, with long hair styled into two loops at the top of the head held by a ball then falling into a very long tail. She wears ball-shaped earrings and has a elliptical, oval shape on her forehead. She is pictured jumping through a silver, presumably solid, disk.
Intangibility: Through allows its user to pass through solid objects, such as walls, ceilings, and floors. The thickness of the object and the strength of the user's magical powers are factors for using the card successfully, but if this does not work, the summoner will get stuck in the wall forever. 
Through's capture is not shown directly in the series, but Episode 36 shows that Sakura had captured it over spring break (the time period following Episode 35). Through's transformation is not shown in the series, but in the beginning of episode 61 Kero makes reference to Sakura transforming 4 cards that day, so it is possible that Through was one of them. It is also possible that the Through's clothes, like those of the Fight, are a nod to Clow Reed's Chinese heritage.

48. 雷 The Thunder

The Thunder (雷) is one of the fifty-three Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under The Firey and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
The Thunder appears in a bestial, feline form. Its entire body is composed of electricity.
Thunder is very agressive.
Thunder & Lightning Magic (Electrokinesis): Thunder has the power to summon large amounts of lightning and electricity to strike the enemy. 

49. 時 The Time

The Time (時) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Dark and under the power of the Moon, Yue, and Eastern Magic.
Time's visible form in the anime series and in the Sakura Card is a robed, old man with a long beard and pointed ears, carrying a large hourglass.
Time Magic: Time has free control over the movement of time, having the ability to speed up, slow down, pause, and even cause recent events to repeat themselves. 

50. 双 The Twin

The Twin (双) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards. It is under The Firey and under the power of the Sun, Cerberus, and Western Magic.
Twin's visible form is two, yellow-colored, small children wearing costumes like those of jesters, with long sleeves, two pointed hats topped with balls, many-pointed collars ending in balls, ball buttons down their fronts, and shoes with long toe points ending in balls. One of them has a pink tuft of hair on the forehead, while the other one has a blue tuft, implying they are a girl and a boy (fraternal twins), respectively.
The Twin appears to be an aggressive and feisty card.
Duplication Magic: The Twin is able to produce duplicates of objects, including people.

51. 声 The Voice

The Voice (声), is a mischievous card that is able to steal people's voices. Usually, Voice is content with listening to people, but if it hears a particular voice that it likes, it is capable of stealing it, rendering that person completely mute. Tomoyo becomes victim to Voice's thievery in Episode 37.
The Voice is aligned under Windy.
It's physical manifestation appears as a young pink colored girl with long wavy hair and feather-like ears and arms like wings similar to that of a Harpy. Whether the wings are a part of its dress or are in fact something else is unknown. It wears a rather long dress, and what appears to be a ruff and green brooch around its delicate neck.
Voice is shy and timid and prone to give flight when given to confrontation. Like the Song card, it too has a love of beautiful singing. It is also somewhat greedy, since in order to deliberately prevent the recovery of a lost voice it has stolen, Voice hides where it is very difficult to find. 

52. 水 The Watery

The Watery (水) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is one of the four elemental cards, and as such it is one of the most powerful. Watery falls under the power of the Moon, Yue and under Eastern Magic.
Watery resembles a blue, adolescent mermaid with fins for ears and two wing-like fins on her back. Her hair is parted in the middle with several strands emanating from the top with a scaly band decorating her forehead.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, Watery receives two star earrings and a collar resembling her headband.
As an attack card, Watery is noted as being extremely aggressive and violent, even attempting to drown Sakura and her friends, as well as others before she was resealed.
Water Magic (Hydrokinesis): The Watery is able to control water and create whirlpools and tidal waves. It also once created a serpentine body of water. It can also absorb the power from other water-based Clow Cards like the Rain card.

53. 波 The Wave

The Wave (波) capture is never seen in the anime, but from its name, it has been surmised that it is a less-powerful version of Watery, probably able to control existing water near it, but unable to create new water magically like Watery can, capable of creating gigantic tidal waves.
The Wave is under Watery.
Wave's card form shows a stream, implying some affiliation with water. Wave's capture is not shown directly in the series, but Episode 36 shows that Sakura had captured it over spring break (the time period following Episode 35)

54. 風 The Windy

The Windy (風) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is one of the four elemental cards, and as such it is one of the most powerful. Windy falls under the power of the Moon, Yue and under Eastern Magic.
The Windy appears as an elegant, lissome-figured Fairy, possessing blonde hair that is dressed high and falls forward into two long strands, as well as a pair of of large, magic wings and feathered shoulders. She has an image of small green wing-like shapes on her forehead and and is surrounded by a cloak of wind in greens and yellow
As a Sakura Card in the manga, Windy receives a star in between the wing decoration on her forehead as well as a new winged star above her chest.
Windy is described as very docile and demure. Being the gentlest card, Windy hates to fight and her magic is mainly used for non-attacking purposes.
Wind Magic (Aerokinesis):The Windy's primary magic is to create strong winds. These winds can be used to blow away objects or bind creatures.

55. 樹 The Wood

The Wood (樹) is one of the fifty-two Clow Cards in the anime and is also part of the original nineteen cards from the manga series. It is under the Watery and under the power of the Moon, Yue, and Eastern Magic.
The Wood appears as a beautiful, young woman with flowing hair. On her forehead is a leafy symbol and she has leafy, wing-like ears. In the Anime, she has a large, bushy collar of foliage with long vines extending from it. In the manga, her body is naked and heavily decorated with flora, with frond-like wings on her back.
As a Sakura Card in the manga, she has a star on her chest and three star on her ears.
Wood's personality is described as similar to Windy. She is one of the most gentle and docile cards and of the only few to be sealed of her own will. However, it seems that she can act wildly, spreading her magic everywhere when agitated by The Rain's influence.
Plant Magic (Phytokinesis): Wood has has the power to manipulate and generate rampant vines, bushes, and branches to ensnare at the command of her master. Due to the elemental order, according to Chinese Magic, Wood was even powerful enough to defeat Earthy.


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